Why Nature Connection is so Important for our Wellbeing

My love for creating Wellness Retreats for women came from a Willow Weaving experience I had gone on a couple of years ago. 

 Just six months after having my twin boys I had arranged a birthday gift for a relative, which was a Willow Weaving day workshop in the wilderness of Surrey. I accompanied them whilst my husband looked after our boys, something I felt utterly guilty for doing, but continued for my own journey of self care, after months of sleep deprivation and barely leaving the house.

We spent a wonderful day learning the artistic skill of willow weaving and were able to build ourselves a series of items we could take home, from baskets to bird feeders and decorative hearts. The activity itself was not only a mindful one, where you wholeheartedly had to focus on the activity at hand, but the whole experience being surrounded by nature and taking in the sights & sounds was a truly humbling experience.

The day filled us with accomplishment of learning a new skill, relaxation whilst enjoying this day in the stark peaceful countryside in beautiful rustic surroundings, sharing stories with our tutor, a home made lunch and feeling utterly rejuvenated by the end of the day.

It was at this point I realised giving myself regular me-time opportunities was going to play a vital role in improving my anxiety and pre & post natal depression. But also how outdoor experiences would make me feel more grounded, more connected to myself, and give me a greater perspective on my life situation and the troubles I was faced with. 

Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear & stress, and increases positive emotions. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

I didn’t realise the importance of spending time outside until many months later, when I was introduced to a host of other activities closely linked with nature. From Forest Bathing, to Mindful Nature Photography, Sound Bathing, to Art & Yoga and Tree Climbing, these all gave me a greater sense of awareness of everything around me.

It was during these activities where I really started to notice, to observe the nature I was surrounded by, the variety of bird song, the rustle of leaves, the rush of wind as it brushes against my face, the feeling of the sun on my face, the shape of the clouds. I took note of the colours, the sky, the bark, flowers, trees and plants and leaves, the weather (all these things I had taken for granted for my whole life).

I was never one to normally go for a walk in nature, unless the weather was dry and bright and I had somewhere exciting to walk. 

I am no longer a fair weather walker, I can embrace the rain and snow, and observe the beauty everywhere I go.

Here are some great ways to try to improve your connection to nature:

  • Grow your own veggie patch or wild flower meadow
  • Go fruit picking or foraging
  • Take photos of your favourite moments in nature, make a collage, a photo book, print them and pop them around the house, add them to your screensaver
  • Go Beachcombing - hunting for shells, pebbles, sea creatures and plants. This is one of my all time favourite activities and one that really connects me to my inner child.
  • Make friends with a tree - connect, hug, listen, observe
  • Experience Sound Bathing outside
  • Daydream - lay down looking up to the sky, daydream, meditate, watch insects, breathe, nap, or feel free to simply enjoy being with nature

There are so many other ideas, but these are some of my favourite ways to reconnect with nature.

Now I know if I am feeling off kilter and I can’t quite put my finger on why, its normally because I have spent too much time indoors, focussed on the business, the family, the day to day tasks and difficulties that have been sapping my energy. I realise that I need that connection to bring myself back to that grounded and centred place, my happy place and here I know that everything else will be ok.

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